As social media platforms come and go the only that that remains constant is your content.
Ask yourself:
How do you define good content?
- Is it you singing a cappella?
- Is it you with your band?
- Is it you in the street?
Its what you feel
Its what you right down
Its’ what you design
It’s your DNA
How does your content make them feel?
Give them something that matters.
It’s a very simple game provide the best content of you and push it wide.
“I always say a funny thing happens when you don’t promote… NOTHING.” – CW
The first step is getting a relationship with the micro influencers.
How do you do that:
- You DM Them
- You Email Them
- You make your list with your manager and your CORE FOUR team to target
- The people who are going to start the journey from an influencer perspective.
- Get into their circle
- Get into their influence and as they push and drive and grow
- As they start sharing your links
They are sharing your content that SNACKABLE stuff.
That leads to bigger relationships with the macro influencers.
The second step is to find Macro Influencers.
That have MASSIVE audiences.
- You have to prove concept first
- They have to know you have fans
- That have to see that you have people that care about your music
- Always Starting off initially with those micro influencers that play across all the platforms.
Once you get a Macro Influencer talking both your music and your story will scale. This is one of the best ways to market and promote in this INFLUENCER market.
Additional Resources:
How You Should Be Marketing Your Next Album, Single Release – hypebot